Achieving more together

International Cooperation with Norway

The cooperation with Norway dates back to 2014. In January 2018, the cooperation received a strong new impetus.

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The Norwegian County Mayor of Akershus, Ms. Anette Solli and Minister Franz Untersteller are signing the "Joint Declaration of Intent" concerning the cooperation between Akershus and Baden-Württemberg in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology.
General Director Helmfried Meinel (on the right) and County Mayor Solveig Ege Tengesdal, Rogaland, Norway at the f-cell conference.
State Secretary Dr. Andre Baumann, Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg (in the center), County Mayor Solveig Ege Tengesdal (in the center) and the winners of the f-cell award 2018.
The joint delegation of minister Franz Untersteller and minister Winfried Hermann during their visit in Norway in January 2018.
During the delegation trip Baden-Württembergs minister Franz Untersteller and Ms. Solveig Schytz, Head of the Transport Committee from the County of Akershus, signed a Letter of Intent, which provides a closer cooperation in the fields of hydrogen-research and climate protection.
Norway is a pioneer on the way to emission-free mobility. The development of the charging infrastructure for e-cars is well advanced throughout the country.
The joint event with the Norwegian region of Akershus took place at the Representation of Baden-Württemberg in Brussels on 11 April 2019: “Towards a Zero Emission Mobility – Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies as most promising option for transport”.

Joint promotion of hydrogen and fuel cell technology

The cooperation with Norway dates back to 2014. In January 2018, the cooperation received a strong new impetus, when Minister for Environment and Energy, Franz Untersteller, and Minister of Transport, Winfried Hermann, visited the Norwegian capital Oslo and the neighboring province of Akershus with a delegation from Baden-Württemberg.

Norway is currently the largest market for electric mobility and hence an interesting cooperation partner for Baden-Württemberg. More than every second new vehicle sold nowadays in Norway is running partially or fully electrically. As of 2025, it is planned to license only emission-free vehicles.

Baden-Württemberg wants to learn from the Norwegian experience in the field of e-mobility and the charging infrastructure in order to promote climate-neutral means of transport in Baden-Württemberg. Baden-Württemberg and the County of Akershus signed a letter of intent to put the focus of cooperation on the joint promotion of hydrogen and fuel cell technology.

f-cell award awarded Baden-Württemberg-Norwegian cooperation

The research award "f-cell award" this time awarded Baden-Württemberg-Norwegian cooperation. The f-cell award is donated by the state of Baden-Württemberg. In 2018, the f-cell award was awarded for the 18th time.

Norway and Baden-Württemberg have a large number of projects, initiatives and companies in the field of hydrogen. A key milestone was the production and sale of green hydrogen. As the world's sixth largest producer of hydropower, Norway has far-reaching capacities for CO2-free production of hydrogen from renewable energies.

The winners of the f-cell award 2018 are: Hy2gen AG (Holzgerlingen) and Norsk H2 AS (Suldal, Norway) in the category "Innovative Cooperation Projects and Concept Ideas between Baden-Württemberg and Norway" (Price: 10.000 Euro)

Special recognition (5,000 Euro): German Aerospace Center DLR (Stuttgart), NEL ASA (Oslo) and Helmbold-Messtechnik for fuel cells (Hofheim) for the development project "Segmented bipolar plates for alkaline water electrolysis".

Ms. County mayor Anette Solli and delegation visited Baden-Württemberg

From October 23 – 25, 2018, Ms. County mayor Anette Solli and delegation visited Baden-Württemberg for an exchange of experience and cooperation in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology.

The program led the delegation to various institutions andcompanies, including the automotive supplier MAHLE GmbH, NuCellSys GmbH and The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) in Lampoldshausen. Furthermore, the State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive, e-mobil BW GmbH, organized a network evening. f-cell award for cooperation between Norway and Baden-Württemberg.