The improvement of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness

Energy-related products

The Energy-Related Products Act and the Energy Efficiency Labelling Act have as their aim the improvement of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.

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Energielabel helfen beim Kauf von energieeffizienten Elektro- und Haushaltsgeräten

The Energy-Related Products Act and the Energy Efficiency Labelling Act have as their aim the improvement of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. In addition to climate protection, these regulations also aid consumer protection. Consumers must be able to rely on compliance with the requirements relating to energy efficiency. Inspection of compliance with the rules on energy-related products represents a complementary measure in achieving the state's political objectives in the area of climate protection and energy. In addition to increased use of renewable energies, a reduction in the energy consumption of both consumer and industrial products is also necessary to achieve the goals of the energy transition.