Towards a sustainable future

Duties und organisation

Learn more about the topics and duties of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector. Furthermore we introduce our seven departments.

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Towards a sustainable future Duties und organisation

Our tasks

A country such as Baden-Württemberg can't cope alone the urgent challenges in the key areas of environment, climate change and energy, but with our policies we lead the way as we take challenges and find solutions to problems. We want to limit climate change. Then we set the energy and climate policy from new. You can find more details about our topics here on our website.

Our departments

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and the Energy Sector is headed by Minister Thekla Walker. Her political representative is State Secretary Dr. Andre Baumann. Director-General Dr. Michael Münter is the head of the office and the interface between the administration and the political level.

The Minister's and State Secretary's Office is located directly at management level. The Press Office, Public Relations and the Central Office are the link between the top management and the specialist departments.

The ministry is divided into seven departments and their respective units: