
The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector of Baden-Württemberg deals with the topics of environmental and climate protection and the energy industry.

two hands protecting the globe
The World united for climate protection

International climate protection

Climate change does not stop at national borders. Hence, a close alliance with the inter-national community, in addition to an effective climate policy at home, is crucial. The Under2 Coalition is an important example of such global cooperation. 

Ein Mann steht auf der Kanzel einer Windkraftanlage. (Bild: © Windstrom Vindvet)
Sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy

Energy transition

Germany is on its way to a profound energy transition: a sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy supply is the goal. Following the final phasing out of nuclear energy, energy must now gradually be produced in other forms and energy efficiency increased significantly. To ensure a reliable supply of energy into the future, we must modernise our energy system.

Wasserstofftanks mit Sonnenkollektoren und Windrädern im Hintergrund
Sustainable energy supply


Hydrogen and fuel cells will play a crucial role in a sustainable energy supply and have become one of the key technologies of the 21st century. "Green" hydrogen, which is produced carbon-neutral from renewable electricity, offers great potential in this regard, especially for Baden-Württemberg as an industrial and technology location. The Ministry of the Environment is therefore supporting the production and use of "green" hydrogen with various research and funding programs.

Securing the future Acting sustainably
Securing the future

Acting sustainably

We don't want to live at the expense of other people and jeopardise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Therefore the state government has made sustainability a central plank of its policies. A policy of sustainability must create synergies between economic and social development and maintaining an intact environment.

Weniger Abfall in der Produktion schont die Ressourcen und spart Materialkosten.
A multitude of ideas

Resource efficiency and GreenTech

Improving resource efficiency is becoming more and more important and only those who utilize the diminishing natural resources as economically and efficiently as possible can remain competitive in the medium-term.

Weltkugel im Wasser-pixabay 940x360
To guard the earth against global warming gases

Climate protection

The Climate Protection Act sets binding targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas-es. To achieve this goal, the state government has developed an integrated energy and climate protection plan with specific strategies and measures.

Mann am See
Terms of river basins

Sustainable river management

Many water management issues an only be solved through joint and cross-border initiatives. The central vision of managing European waters on the basis of the river basin was firmly anchored by the EU in the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Further directives, such as the Flood Risk Management Directive (FRMD), follow this idea.

Luftbild des Kernkraftwerks Philippsburg
Nuclear inspectorate

Nuclear energy and radiation protection

The Ministry of the Environment Sector is Baden-Württemberg’s statutory nuclear inspectorate. Its task is to monitor whether nuclear installations are being run safely. The Ministry also monitors radioactivity in the environment. On the sensitive issue of nuclear safety, the energy policy stresses information and openness.

Globus mit Lupe Pixabay 940x360
Free movement of goods

Market surveillance

20 years ago, the economic area of Europe was characterised by a range of different national specifications in respect of technical products. It was a classic barrier to trade that has long since been consigned to history. Today, free movement of goods is the order of the day in Europe – posing a huge challenge for market surveillance.

Illustration Keyvisual Sustainable bioeconomy
For a sustainable development


The bioeconomy offers great opportunities for us humans and our society. With its help, our economic system should become more resource-saving and climate-friendly. Plants, animals, bacteria or waste should reduce the use of fossil fuels and thus reduce CO2 emissions. For example, plastic can be produced thanks to microorganisms. Raw materials such as metals can be recovered from waste or wastewater.

Schmetterlinge fliegen über eine Wiese mit Mohnblumen
Preservation of biodiversity

Nature conservation

Nature conservation and our commitment towards the different kinds of flora and fauna form the core of our central mission of our society. We want to preserve what secures our natural necessities and we have therefore placed nature protection at the centre of our policies.

Sperrmüllabholung in Stuttgart
Waste is valuable

Circular economy

Waste is far too valuable to just throw away. Products must be reused and waste avoided or recycled. Waste can only be successfully managed if harmful substances are safely removed by thermal treatment or disposed of in landfill.

Steckdosenleiste mit Schalter
prototypical function

Environmental management

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector of Baden-Württemberg supports companies which introduce environmentally friendly products and production techniques. It offers pilot projects, a rich supply of information material and grant programmes.

Underestimated stress Noise
Underestimated stress


Noise is one of the biggest and most underestimated stresses for humans. Subjective factors play an important role here. The person causing a noise generally perceives it as less disturbing than those exposed to it. A majority of people living in Baden-Württemberg feel disturbed by noise in their surroundings.

Air pollution control

Plant safety and accident prevention

The EU Industrial Emissions Directive prevents and reduces harmful emissions from industrial processes. In Germany, the Accident Prevention Ordinance ensures the technical safety of industrial operations involving large quantities of hazardous substances.