Nuclear energy and radiation protection

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector is Baden-Württemberg’s statutory nuclear inspectorate. On the sensitive issue of nuclear safety, the energy policy stresses information and openness.

Luftbild des Kernkraftwerks Philippsburg
Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg
Nuclear energy

Nuclear installations in Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg has three NPP-sites: Neckarwestheim (GKN), Philippsburg (KKP) and Obrigheim (KWO). In addition, the interim storage facilities in Neckarwestheim and Philipsburg and other nuclear installations and facilities are also subject to supervision by the nuclear regulatory agency in Baden-Württemberg.


Monitoring of nuclear installations

The inspectorate’s mission is to ensure that the installation is built in compliance with documented license conditions and that all other license-related and nuclear energy law regulations are complied with during construction and operation.

Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg: Brennelement wird in Castor eingebracht . (Bild: © ENBW)
Nuclear power installations


The German Atomic Energy Act stipulates that the operator of a nuclear plant has an obligation to ensuring that accumulated residual materials and the removed or dismantled plant components are either recycled so that they are rendered harmless or they are to be correctly disposed of as radioactive waste.

Personenschleuse im Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg

Radiation protection

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector is responsible for protecting people and the environment against damage caused by ionising radiation.