Nuclear energy and radiation protection

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector is Baden-Württemberg’s statutory nuclear inspectorate. On the sensitive issue of nuclear safety, the energy policy stresses information and openness.

Luftbild des Kernkraftwerks Philippsburg
Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg
Nuclear energy

Nuclear power plants in Baden-Württemberg

Five nuclear power plants are located at three sites in Baden-Württemberg: Neckarwestheim (GKN I, GKN II), Philippsburg (KKP 1, KKP 2) and Obrigheim (KWO). They are are permanently shut down and under decommissioning.

Regulatory oversight

Supervision of nuclear installations

The regulatory authority’s mission is to ensure that all activities by the licensees are in compliance with the law, the license conditions and other regulations.

Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg: Brennelement wird in Castor eingebracht . (Bild: © ENBW)
Waste from nuclear facilities


The operator of a nuclear facility has an obligation to treat, recycle, or store the radioactive waste and the dismantled components.

Personenschleuse im Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg

Radiation protection

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector is responsible for protecting people and the environment against damage caused by ionising radiation.