
The bioeconomy offers great opportunities for us humans and our society. With its help, our economic system should become more resource-saving and climate-friendly.

Illustration Keyvisual Sustainable bioeconomy
illustration sustainable bioeconomy in industrial and urban areas
Innovation and the circular economy

Sustainable bioeconomy – diverse opportunities for mankind and economy

The opportunities of the bioeconomy for sustainable development in Baden-Württemberg are manifold. Raw materials can be recovered through biological processes or the use of organisms. Thus, the consumption of fossil raw materials and chemicals can be reduced or even replaced.

Logo State strategy Sustainable bioeconomy for Baden-Württemberg
Roadmap for Baden-Württemberg

State strategy "Sustainable Bioeconomy for Baden-Württemberg"

With the state strategy "Sustainable Bioeconomy for Baden-Württemberg", the state government supports the necessary change to a resource-efficient and circular economy based on renewable and biological resources.

Translation of bioeconomic research into urban areas Valbio urban
Translation of bioeconomic research into urban areas

Valbio urban

In order to bring the sustainable bioeconomy from research into practice, it is important to establish cross-sectoral networks. The initiative "Valorization of Bioresources – Urban (ValBio-Urban)" aims to contribute to this need with a Translations Hub. The aim is to make research results known quickly and effectively and to be able to apply them.

Out of the lab into the regions


The bioeconomy is becoming increasingly important in the urban and urban-industrial context. The aim of the "urban BioÖkonomieLab" project is to develop a bioeconomy economic area in which the added value lies to a large extent in the supported regions themselves.

Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg: Illustration Bio-Ab-Cycling
ERDF Programme Baden-Württemberg 2021 – 2027: Bioeconomy


With ”Ab-cycling” raw materials are recovered from waste and wastewater. With the ERDF funding programme Bio-Ab-Cycling, the Ministry of the Environment is promoting pilot and demonstration plants related to bio-up-cycling.

bioeconomy: Illustration to CO2-recycling-CCUBIO
Carbon dioxide as a resource

CO2-Recycling applications for the innovative use of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas, but carbon is also a basic component of many chemicals. By combining innovative technologies, the climate gas can be removed from the atmosphere and made usable as a raw material.

Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg: Illustration Biomining
Ecovering valuable inorganic raw materials


As a federate state with a strong industrial sector and an economic focus on plant engineering, Baden-Württemberg needs a sustainably secure supply of high-tech raw materials such as metals including rare earths. Innovative biological technologies such as biomining are supposed to help.

illustration Advisory board sustainable bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg
Bundling expertise

Advisory Board Sustainable Bioeconomy

The Advisory Board Sustainable Bioeconomy advices the government of the Federate State of Baden-Württemberg on the implementation and further development of the state strategy “Sustainable Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg”. In the advisory board, 17 experts from different areas of the bioeconomy contribute their knowledge.