Our way of life and economic system largely rely on the consumption of finite fossil resources. This approach is not sustainable and may place severe stress on the climate and the environment. With the state strategy "Sustainable bioeconomy for Baden-Württemberg", the state pushes forward to advance the use of renewable raw materials in an effort to protect our natural resources and promote Baden-Württemberg a a business location.
The state strategy "Sustainable Bioeconomy for Baden-Württemberg" was passed by state government in 2019 with a term of 5 years until 2024. The update to the “Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy” for 2025 to 2029 is aimed at opening up future-proof diversification and development opportunities for Baden-Württemberg companies. The Sustainable Bioeconomy strategy is being implemented jointly by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector and the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection:
The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector takes care of the aspects of climate and resource protection, air and water pollution control and the circular economy. The main focus is on the extraction of raw materials from secondary raw materials (for example waste, including electronic waste, waste water, CO2 and exhaust air) and their reuse in the economic cycle, on resource efficiency and system integration.
The Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection aims to support the sustainable and efficient raw material production in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, their processing into high-quality products and the successful marketing of these products. In addition to the production of healthy food, biogenic raw materials and side streams offer a great potential for the production of functional materials. Material flows that are not suitable for other uses are converted into renewable energy while the plant nutrients are being recycled. The further development of biogas plants into biorefineries plays a central role here.
Objectives and priorities
The update to the “Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy” for 2025 to 2029 is aimed at opening up future-proof diversification and development opportunities for companies in Baden-Württemberg. The aim is to enable companies with a sustainable and resilient economic model to generate new sources of value creation, employment and prosperity. Thereby bioeconomy should be integrated broadly into existing technologies, products, value chains and cycles. At the same time, local actors should be strengthened and the special features of rural and urban regions need to be taken into account.
Against this background, the state strategy pursues the following six goals:
- Exploitation of renewable and/or recyclable raw material sources and reduced dependency on fossil raw materials.
- Contribution to climate and environmental.
- Strengthen Baden-Württemberg’s position as a leading region in sustainable bioeconomy.
- Strengthen the regional value creation and creating attractive, future-proof jobs.
- Development and export of innovative biological value creation opportunities.
- Support municipalities and local stakeholders.