Securing the future

Acting sustainably – the sustainability strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg has made sustainability a central plank of its policies. A policy of sustainability must create synergies between economic and social development and maintaining an intact environment.

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Securing the future Acting sustainably – the sustainability strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg

The sustainability strategy of the state should firmly anchor the principles of sustainable development in Baden-Württemberg. Acting sustainably means not living at the expense of people in other regions of the earth or future generations. Social justice, ecological viability and economic performance are equally important aims of the plan. A policy of sustainability must create synergies between economic and social development and maintaining an intact environment.

The sustainability strategy of Baden-Württemberg was begun in the year 2007. It sees itself as a platform for debating and considering important questions of sustainable development – in a collaboration between the state, economy and society. The state government has made sustainability a key deciding factor in government and administrative action.

Involving citizens and experts

Particularly relevant target groups – young people, the economy and communities – are directly addressed in three specially-tailored initiatives of the sustainability strategy:

  • Sustainability youth initiative
  • Sustainability economy initiative
  • Sustainability community initiative

In addition, all social actors participate on the advisory council for sustainable development. The advisory council provides the impetus for sustainable development of the state and draws up recommendations in this regard.

Setting priorities

Acting sustainably relates to all areas of life. At the same time there are very particular topics relevant to sustainable development, which the state's sustainability strategy has prioritised:

  • Climate and energy
  • Resources
  • Education for sustainable development
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Integration

Making sustainability measurable

Sustainable development in the state should be made measurable and verifiable. This is done with the aid of two tools: Firstly, sustainability indicators record the status quo with regard to sustainable development in the state and are summarised in an indicator report, published every two years. Secondly, ministries report regularly in sustainability reports on the implementation of their political goals.

Sustainability strategy guiding principles

The sustainability strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg is based on a comprehensive overall concept of sustainability. It follows the guiding principles for sustainable development set out in the "Brundtland Report" of the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. The sustainability strategy is also based on the international guiding principles adopted at the UN Conference in Rio in 1992.