Energy transition in Baden-Württemberg

Security of power supplies

Such a highly developed industrial base as Baden-Württemberg cannot afford supply bottlenecks.

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Strommasten bei Sonnenuntergang mit Windrädern

Such a highly developed industrial base as Baden-Württemberg cannot afford supply bottlenecks. Globally speaking, Germany is one of the sites having the most secure power supplies, as demonstrated by the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) of 12.2 minutes in 2022. This is the average amount of time per year that a consumer could not be supplied with electricity due to unplanned disturbances (lasting more than three minutes).

To ensure the security of energy supplies, Baden-Württemberg relies on:

  • Expansion of renewable energies
  • Grid and storage expansion
  • Load management
  • Improvement of energy efficiency
  • Installation of flexible gas power plants, that can be converted to hydrogen by 2040 at the latest
  • Development of a hydrogen economy