Grown Partnership

Four Motors for Europe

The Four Motors for Europe, a partnership of Baden-Württemberg, Catalonia, Lombardy and Rhône-Alpes, represents the interests of these regions throughout Europe and the world.

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On March 20, 2023, Baden-Württemberg took over the presidency of the Four Motors for Europe
On March 20, 2023, Baden-Württemberg took over the presidency of the Four Motors for Europe (from left): Minister Raffaele Cattaneo (Lombardy), Vice President Philippe Meunier (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), State Secretary Florian Hassler (Baden-Württemberg), State Secretary Dr. Patrick Rapp (Baden-Württemberg) und Joan Romero i Circuns (Executive Director at ACCIÓ/Catalonia Trade & Investment – Government of Catalonia)

Since 1988, Baden-Württemberg has enjoyed growing relationships with Catalonia, Lombardy and Rhône-Alpes as part of the "Four Motors for Europe" network. Flanders and Wales are associated members of the same network, and Baden-Württemberg also takes part in the "Four Motors for Mercosur" partnership with Paraná (Brazil), Córdoba (Argentina), Rivera (Uruguay) and Alto Paraná (Paraguay), which is itself modelled on the "Four Motors for Europe".

On March 20, 2023, Baden-Württemberg took over the presidency of the Four Motors for Europe from the region "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" (AURA) during a ceremonial handover in Lyon (France). In this context, State Secretary Dr. Andre Baumann participated in a conference on the current challenges for the regions and presented, among other things, the amended Climate Protection and Climate Change Adaptation Act of Baden-Württemberg. This conference was followed by several meetings and exchanges between politicians, members of parliament and stakeholders from Baden-Württemberg and AURA.

On March 21, 2023, a working group day of the Four Motors took place, where the members of all working groups (especially the WG Economy and the WG Environment) from all four regions were able to exchange and network on cross-cutting topics in the context of a workshop.

Grown partnership

Since the creation of the "Four Motors for Europe", cooperation has intensified considerably, not only because of the comparable structures as highly industrialized regions facing very similar challenges, but also because the new means of communication facilitate the close cooperation. The "Four Motors for Europe" benefit from the excellent reputation they have acquired over the years. This makes it easier to gain a stronger voice as a network in the diversity of voices of lobbyists in Brussels and in global competition.

In the Working Group on Environment and Climate Protection there is a lively exchange of information where the multilateral projects are further developed and specified. By joining, the partner regions also support the international Under2 Coalition on climate protection.


Anke Obenland-Spyra
+49 711 126-1851
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Cooperating countries and regions

Logo der Oberrheinkonferenz

Switzerland, Austria and France

The transnational cooperation with our neighboring regions in Switzerland, Austria, and France is a central part of our work.

kanadische Flagge


The Ministry of the Environment Baden-Württemberg has long had good contacts with the province of Ontario in southern Canada.

Flagge der Volksrepublik China


The State of Baden-Württemberg has maintained close relationships with the Province of Liaoning in the north-east of China, as well as with the Province of Jiangsu in the east of China.

Dänische Flagge


Baden-Württemberg has been cooperating with Denmark in the field of energy management and energy policy since 2014.

Donau bei Sigmaringen mit Logo

East and Southeast Europe

The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg is involved in the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region.

Minister Franz Untersteller (rechts) mit israelischem Umweltminister Amir Parez


Baden-Württemberg is participating in a twinning project managed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in Israel.

japanische Flagge


Baden-Württemberg established its partnership with the Japanese Prefecture of Kanagawa as early as 1982.

türkische Flagge


As its economy and industry develop rapidly, Turkey and Baden-Württemberg work closely together in the fields of energy and environmental issues.

Environment Minister Franz Untersteller (left) and California Governor Jerry Brown


The USA play an important role in Baden-Württemberg's international relations.

Die norwegische Regierungspräsidentin Anette Solli und Minister Franz Untersteller unterzeichnen eine gemeinsame Absichtserklärung über die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Akershus und Baden-Württemberg im Bereich der Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie.


The cooperation with Norway dates back to 2014. In January 2018, the cooperation received a strong new impetus.