Circular economy

Household waste

The disposal of municipal waste from households is the most significant task of the local authority waste disposal services.

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Circular economy  Household waste

The disposal of municipal waste from households (particularly domestic waste, bulky waste, organic waste) is the most significant task of the local authority waste disposal services. They also dispose of commercial municipal waste and waste building materials (excavated earth, rubble) where this waste is not being recycled.

Local authority waste disposal services in Baden-Württemberg consist of the 44 towns and districts or their special purpose associations. They decide how waste disposal is to be carried out. They set up and operate the necessary waste recycling and disposal facilities or they operate the facilities of commercial companies with whom they have entered into contracts for waste disposal. The quantities involved, current fees and facility capacities in Baden-Württemberg are set out in the annual waste report.

Since mid-2005, organic municipal waste may no longer be sent to landfill. Municipal and similar waste may only be stored after treatment. The most important processes for obtaining energy are burning municipal waste and the recycling of organic matter e.g. in organic digestion facilities with subsequent compost production. At a minimum however, organic waste must be thermally treated. Waste regulations in Baden-Württemberg no longer permit simple burning of waste organic matter without obtaining energy.