Green hydrogen – generated carbon-neutrally from renewable electricity – offers great potential, especially for Baden-Württemberg as an industrial and technology location. In order to leverage this potential, the Ministry of the Environment, in close consultation with industry, science, associations and politics, has drawn up a roadmap for the development of a hydrogen economy.
The Hydrogen Roadmap Baden-Württemberg was approved by the state cabinet on December 15, 2020. It sets out the path for the coming years that Baden-Württemberg must follow in order to become a leading economical location for hydrogen and fuel technologies.
The implementation, monitoring and further development of the roadmap is carried out by the Plattform H2BW, which was established at the State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Baden-Württemberg e-mobil BW GmbH.
First Progress Report on the Baden-Württemberg Hydrogen Roadmap
The first progress report 2023 [PDF; 05/24] further develops the hydrogen roadmap and adds relevant fields of action. The central focal points of the progress report are the provision of hydrogen and the development of a hydrogen infrastructure (for example through hydrogen pipelines).
The graphic shows the structure of the progress report. Hydrogen supply and infrastructure form the umbrella for the development of a hydrogen economy. Industry, mobility and electricity generation from hydrogen are the main application sectors for green hydrogen. Technology, research and qualification of specialists as well as social acceptance are cross-sectional areas that have an impact on all of the above-mentioned sectors. Regulatory issues are important levers for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy and ensure security for necessary investment decisions.
At the same time, the first progress report provides information on the roadmap measures implemented to date: many demonstration and lighthouse projects have already been initiated in the country. As a result, around 500 million euros in funding has been made available or is planned for projects in the state. Baden-Württemberg is thus very well positioned - particularly in scientific and technological terms - for the hydrogen ramp-up and will build on these project results in a targeted manner.
Goals of the roadmap
The hydrogen roadmap for Baden-Württemberg is intended to
- contribute to a comprehensive reduction in the use of fossil fuels in the various sectors such as industry, mobility and the energy industry and thus also reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
- accompany the establishment and expansion of a hydrogen economy in order to present Baden-Württemberg as a leading location for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry both nationally and internationally.
The roadmap defines concrete objectives (in terms of time and content) and measures (including financing) to push and promote hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the state. It also specifies concrete contributions from all stakeholders involved. In defining the goals, measures and contributions, all relevant dimensions of building a local hydrogen economy were considered: Production, Infrastructure, Applications.
Developments in the hydrogen sector are very dynamic. On the one hand, hydrogen is increasingly in the spotlight when it comes to security of supply and, on the other hand, framework conditions are currently being developed at European and national level that will have a decisive influence on the accelerated expansion of the hydrogen economy. These developments have been added to the previous hydrogen roadmap.
Questions and suggestions on the subject of hydrogen can be sent to the Ministry by e-mail.