Further development of renewable energies


Hydrogen and fuel cells will play a crucial role in a sustainable energy supply and have become one of the key technologies of the 21st century.

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Wasserstofftanks mit Sonnenkollektoren und Windrädern im Hintergrund

In 2020, the state government of Baden-Württemberg adopted its first ever Hydrogen Roadmap. A revised version has been realised in 2023. Indeed, the supply with renewable hydrogen plays a crucial role in the achievement of the state’s goal of carbon-neutrality by 2040. Up to date, the hydrogen demand in Baden-Württemberg is estimated to reach 91 TWh by 2040, albeit the demand of the industry and the energy sector tend to increase by every new study.

Historically, the state of Baden-Württemberg has been at the forefront of new technological developments with its strong industrial innovation and research capacities. Its SMEs and large enterprises, e.g. Bosch, export their in-depth technological knowledge and products all around the globe. Much of the expertise lies within the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology, making Baden-Württemberg a strong global player in the field. 

On state level, the government of Baden-Württemberg is support by strong institutional actors. Among them are the Cluster Fuel Cell BW, a local hydrogen network with more than 240 partners working on the industrialisation and application of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, as well as the platform H2BW, which provides a wide range of information on the hydrogen sector in Baden-Württemberg.

Currently, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg supports the development of several dimensions of a hydrogen economy through diverse funding programs:

  • Funding for regions: development of concepts for local hydrogen infrastructure and networks;
  • Funding for technological innovation and product development: IPCEI projects and individual project funding;
  • International partnerships: Memorandum of Understanding with different countries in and outside of Europe;
  • Among other funding programs.

The build-up of a hydrogen economy is on its way and the state of Baden-Württemberg strongly supports its people and companies on the fast and efficient achievement of carbon neutrality.