Project of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Wastewater treatment plant neighbourhoods in Serbia

The TCC Training and Competence Center Danubius is planning to introduce a wastewater treatment plant neighbourhood scheme in Serbia.

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At the Train-the-trainer seminar in Novi Sad, TCC Danubius trained the first trainers.
Coach Roland Knitschky from the German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste (l.) and Dr. Heike Burghard, Managing Director TCC Danubius, (r.) congratulate Aleksandar Petričić on his successful training as a TCC coach.

The TCC Training and Competence Center Danubius is planning to introduce a wastewater treatment plant neighbourhood scheme in Serbia. This scheme has already proved successful in Germany. With financial support from Baden-Württemberg's Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector the TCC Danubius is now therefore launching this continuing professional development and networking project for wastewater operations in Serbia. The aim is to create greater awareness of the role of capacity building in the implementation of EU environmental standards for the water sector in Serbia.

The project is intended to establish long-term cooperation with local players. The first step will be to create a qualified pool of trainers who meet the standards of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA). With this in mind, train-the-trainer seminars will be held to teach trainers how to hold workshops.

The long-term purpose of wastewater treatment plant neighbourhoods is to bring together wastewater plant operators and personnel at regular workshops.