Project of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Energy efficiency in Hungarian sewage plants

The German-Hungarian project “Energy efficiency in Hungarian sewage plants” was established to reduce the energy consumption of sewage plants.

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Die Kläranlage in Debrecen in Ungarn ist eine von drei Anlagen, die von den baden-württembergischen Experten Carsten Meyer, Werner Maier und Prof. Peter Baumann im Hinblick auf Energieeffizienz untersucht wird. Insgesamt werden drei Kläranlagen in Ungarn begutachtet und in einem Workshop Energieeinsparmöglichkeiten am Beispiel dieser Anlagen vorgestellt.
The sewage plant in Debrecen, Hungary is one out of three facilities that are inspected regarding their energy efficiency by the experts Carsten Meyer, Werner Maier, and Prof. Peter Baumann from Baden-Württemberg.

Sewage plants conserve and enhance the water quality in rivers, seas, and ground water. They are necessary for securing drinking water reserves. However, a large amount of electric energy is required for the purification of sewage. The German-Hungarian project “Energy efficiency in Hungarian sewage plants” was established to reduce the energy consumption of sewage plants.

The Ministry of the Interior of Hungary and Debrecen University are working together with the University of Stuttgart, the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, and the Engineering Consulting for Wastewater Technology. The aim of the project is to increase the energy efficiency of sewage plants significantly by energetically optimizing pumps, agitators, ventilation, etc. while maintaining the level of cleaning efficiency.

In the initiation phase, the project participants used an assessment scheme, which accounts for local conditions, to determine the potential for saving and producing energy in Hungarian sewage plants. Additionally, the experts examined to which extent the insights and methods, gathered in Germany and specifically Baden-Württemberg, could be transferred to the Hungarian context. The operators of the Hungarian sewage plants will also receive practical information on implementation.